My first blog! And some info! Also, a few rules!

Tiger21820 MASTER!!
10 Jul 2020
5 Average rating
1743 Viewed

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Viewed 1743 times
Official Nintendo 3DS Newsletter and blogs!
This is the first blog! There are some rules here! Read them!

I don't know what to post about, so use your imagination! If you want a new category for blogs, ask for one in the Request Forum!

Blog Rules!

0. Read the forum rules here! viewtopic.php?p=1638#p1638

1. Brand New Members MAY post new blogs and comments, however, they must FIRST be approved by an Administrator, Co-Administrator, or Moderator! Once they make 200 posts, they can post without approval!

2. Refer to the forum rules for a general idea of how to act in your blogs! Be respectful, don't post anything hateful, raciest, and you know the rest! :okay1

3. Abuse of the blog system may result in your blog privileges being revoked temporarily, and/or warnings!

4. More when they are needed!

I will add to this blog as I come up with more things to talk about!
