Moderator & Co-Administrator application thread!

Moderator positions open: 05/08 | Co-Administrator positions open: 00/01

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Moderator & Co-Administrator application thread!


Unread post by Tiger21820 MASTER!! »

If this topic is unlocked, then that means that there are Moderator or Co-Administrator positions available! :tigCheer :tigHappy

Note! You must have 200 posts in order to apply here! Anyone with less can only become staff by an Administrator or Co-Administrator's decision! Striking this through for now!

Post a reason why you should be accepted as a Moderator here and I will look at it!

Once all Moderator positions are filled up, a position for Co-Administrator may open for anyone who is qualified!

Moderator positions open: 05/08
When this reaches zero, this topic will be closed until it becomes non-zero! Depending on how active the forums are, the cap may increase if more staff are needed!

Co-Administrator positions open: 00/01
If this number is zero, no unsolicited applications for a Co-Administrator will be accepted at this time!

The qualifications for being a candidate to be a Co-Administrator here are as follows (Can be any one of the four):
1. You MUST be an administrator of a forum that been online for no less than 5 years and provide a link to the forum, or...
2. You MUST own a domain name, and must have access to your own forum software and file systems and be the forum founder of your forum that has been online for no less than 5 years and provide a link to the forum!
3. I know you from different forums that you administrate (or have administrated) and I find you suitable for a position (this qualification bypasses the 5 year rule, because you basically are a veteran!)!
4. You have done an ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING job as a Moderator, and I can entrust a position as a Co-Administrator to you! You may become eligible if you are a Moderator for 5 years!

If zero qualifications are met, then you MAY NOT be a Co-Administrator here on Nintendo 3DS Central!

Keep in mind that forums created from free forum hosting websites such as Forumotion will not be considered, because forums hosted on such websites are owned by the companies, not the end-users, so those won't count! Go buy a domain name, download or buy phpBB/vBulletin/invision/xenforo/whatever forum you choose and upload it onto a server for 5 years, then we can talk! :tigWingFlap :wink2

No one may apply for an Administrator position... THAT is reserved for the one who is paying for hosting, owns the domain name, and has access to the file system and database! That would be ME! :tigStand :lick: Please don't ask, ok?

Thanks for your understanding! This is to prevent severe cases of abuse of power that happened on Nintendo DS Central many years back! :tigLovely
Honestly, I blame Forumotion for not including the same permission system as Vanilla phpBB which WOULD HAVE prevented that from happening!!!

Also, we don't need anyone who has absolutely no idea what the HECK they are doing poking around the sensitive areas in the Administration Control Panel and breaking the ENTIRE FORUMS! Seriously, there are things that can break the forum if you delete, or configure them incorrectly!

Remember to read the rules and the Moderator guidelines here: viewtopic.php?p=207

One more word of warning: If a Moderator or Co-Administrator doesn't sign in by each 6th of September, they may be demoted to an Honorary Member during that month, unless they are the only ones left! At that point, I will send a PM and an E-Mail asking if they wish to continue as forum staff! If there is no response by October, then they will be demoted to an Honorary Member, and a staff position opens up! All Honorary Members will have to re-apply for a staff position at that point! This may be done in different ways, depending on the state of the forum! I may just open additional staff positions instead of a routine staff demotion!

Note: All posts will be cleaned up from this topic after an unspecific (randomly) amount of time!

Current staff:
Tiger21820 (Administrator)
Lyn (Administrator)
Morgiana (Moderator)
Kougyoku (Moderator)
Demon_skeith (Co-Administrator)
Tedhaun (Moderator)
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on November 1st, 2024, 20:00, edited 90 times in total! word count: 694
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Re: Moderator & Co-Administrator application thread!


Unread post by Tiger21820 MASTER!! »

Artisan has retired from staff, so there are 4 Moderator positions open! Anyone who wants to apply, please post in this topic! Members with over 200 posts are more likely to be hired, but we're short on Moderators anyway! First come, first served! Apply now! :tigCheer
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on October 12th, 2024, 17:43, edited 1 time in total! word count: 46
:fireice1 :fire2 :tigCheer Master of Fire & Ice! :tigHappy :ice1 :fireice1
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Tiger21820 MASTER!!

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Re: Moderator & Co-Administrator application thread!


Unread post by Tiger21820 MASTER!! »

I had to demote @Naiwen due to inactivity, so now we have 5 Moderator positions available, though she will probably want her spot back when she returns!
word count: 27
:fireice1 :fire2 :tigCheer Master of Fire & Ice! :tigHappy :ice1 :fireice1
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