Arcade/MAME & Pinball Records (Post any submissions for unlisted games here!)

Total High Score: 0!

Post all of your records for any games that don't fall into the above systems! For currently unlisted games, post them in the "New game submissions and guidelines" topic! Only Administrators may post topics here!
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Only post here if you have records to submit! Any discussion about these games should be discussed in their respective forums! Any posts without records may be moved or trashed! Thank you!
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Tiger21820 MASTER!!

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Arcade/MAME & Pinball Records (Post any submissions for unlisted games here!)


Unread post by Tiger21820 MASTER!! »

Since there are SO MANY DIFFERENT arcade and pinball games, we need a single thread to contain them all!

:pacman2 :pacman :pacman3

IMPORTANT! From now on, In order to reduce the length of this topic, and to reduce the amount of work to calculate the total high scores, there will be only one entry per user, regardless of clone!

A copy of the old version can be found here: viewtopic.php?t=1739

Submissions for unlisted games should be posted here!

All high scores are not saved to NVRAM unless otherwise stated!

Namco Museum GameCube, GBA, and Pac-Man Collection GBA: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=432
Namco Museum DS: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=370

Scores obtained from cheating and emulation are always welcome here, but will be highlighted in red and be given rank 0 if they exceed a cheatless score!

For Stern Pinball Arcade (Nintendo Switch), The Pinball Arcade (Nintendo Switch), and Pinball FX 3 specific modes, go to this thread:viewtopic.php?f=48&t=381

All pinball games save high scores to NVRAM!

Total High Score (All):
0 (Needs updating)

Total High Score (Arcade/MAME):
0 (Needs updating)

Total High Score (Pinball):
0 (Needs updating)

Arcade Records:

Namco games:

Gee Bee:
001. 6350 (Tiger21820)
002. 5920 (Lyn)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 8518 (Tiger21820)
002. 120 (Lyn)
003. 60 (Morgiana)
003. 60 (Kougyoku)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 30724 (Tiger21820)
002. 24490 (Lyn)
003. 16234 (Kougyoku)
004. 14012 (Morgiana)
005. 8866 (Lyndis)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pac-Man Plus:
001. 12580 (Lyn)
002. 130 (Tiger21820)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

Super Pac-Man:
001. 82850 (Tiger21820)
002. 67260 (Lyn)
003. 64980 (Morgiana)
004. 47000 (Kougyoku)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pac & Pal:
001. 43920 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Ms. Pac-Man:
001. 31007 (Tiger21820)
002. 22811 (Lyn)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

Jr. Pac-Man:
001. 17220 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 62440 (Tiger21820)
002. 51080 (Kougyoku)
003. 43150 (tomthebomb)
004. 31030 (Morgiana)
005. 27270 (Lyn)

001. 46720 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

New Rally-X:
001. 82100 (Tiger21820)
002. 51950 (Lyndis)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 49760 (Arial)
002. 41810 (Tiger21820)
003. 15720 (Morgiana)
004. 650 (Lyn)
005. 510 (Kougyoku)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

Super Xevious:
001. 67800 (Morgiana)
002. 56140 (Tiger21820)
003. 41590 (Arial)
004. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pole Position:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 31600 (Tiger21820)
002. 31560 (Morgiana)
003. 30430 (Lyn)
004. 30110 (Sammi)
005. 29480 (Kougyoku)
006. 27610 (Maria)
007. 21640 (Lyndis)
008. 20420 (MarissaT)
009. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pole Position II (Fuji Track):
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 27150 (Kougyoku)
002. 27000 (Tiger21820)
003. 21060 (Lyn)
004. 20420 (Lyndis)
005. 17770 (Morgiana)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pole Position II (Test Track):
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 30360 (Lyn)
002. 28130 (Tiger21820)
003. 27940 (tomthebomb)
004. 27510 (Kougyoku)
005. 21650 (Lyndis)
006. 21270 (Sammi)
007. 20640 (Morgiana)

Pole Position II (Suzuka Track):
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 17160 (Tiger21820)
002. 16990 (Lyn)
003. 16430 (Kougyoku)
004. 16340 (Morgiana)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pole Position II (Seaside Track):
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 16870 (Tiger21820)
002. 16770 (Kougyoku)
003. 15250 (Lyn)
004. 12640 (Morgiana)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pole Position II (Bootlegs):
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 30580 (Tiger21820)
002. 30550 (Kougyoku)
003. 30340 (Arial)
004. 27940 (Lyn)
005. 27180 (Morgiana)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 83180 (Tiger21820)
002. 40070 (Lyn)
003. 1870 (Morgiana)
004. 1630 (Kougyoku)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 125860 (Lyn)
002. 119250 (Tiger21820)
003. 105840 (Kougyoku)
004. 104500 (Morgiana)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Gaplus/Galaga 3:
001. 54600 (tomthebomb)
002. 44300 (Tiger21820)
003. 20900 (Lyn)

Galaga '88:
001. 119070 (tomthebomb)
002. 96370 (Tiger21820)

001. 57270 (Kougyoku)
002. 56180 (Sammi)
003. 55730 (Tiger21820)
004. 34710 (Grace)
005. 26200 (Lyn)
006. 25410 (Maria)
007. 200 (Morgiana)
008. 0 (tomthebomb)

Dig Dug:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM except on certain versions of MAME UI64!
001. 35580 (Tiger21820)
002. 27180 (Morgiana)
003. 21770 (Kougyoku)
004. 16320 (Lyn)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Dig Dug II:
001. 20000 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 40780 (tomthebomb)
002. 39240 (Lyn)
003. 36310 (Tiger21820)

The Tower of Druaga:
001. 1665460 (Tiger21820)
002. 1127700 (Morgiana)
003. 1058800 (Lyn)
004. 937960 (Kougyoku)
005. 59580 (Lyndis)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

Sky Kid:
001. 33070 (Tiger21820)
002. 32283 (Lyn)
003. 4508 (Kougyoku)
004. 149 (tomthebomb)

Sky Kid Deluxe:
001. 7440 (Lyn)
002. 6300 (Tiger21820)
003. 149 (tomthebomb)

Wonder Momo:
001. 13900 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Dragon Buster:
001. 26470 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Rolling Thunder:
001. 115020 (Tiger21820)
002. 54440 (Kougyoku)
003. 47600 (Morgiana)
004. 40000 (Lyn)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Rolling Thunder 2:
001. 33120 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Marvel Land:
001. 100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 300 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 7510 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Cosmo Gang The Video (Singles):
001. 987820 (Tiger21820)
002. 531640 (tomthebomb)
003. 295940 (Kougyoku)
004. 0 (Lyn)
004. 0 (Morgiana)

Cosmo Gang The Video (Doubles):
001. 4064400 (tomthebomb)
002. 2755520 (Kougyoku)
002. 2755520 (Tiger21820)
004. 190240 (Morgiana)
004. 190240 (Lyn)

Cosmo Gang The Puzzle:
001. 215478 (Kougyoku)
002. 191795 (Lyn)
003. 130435 (Morgiana)
004. 122721 (Tiger21820)
005. 59768 (tomthebomb)
006. 22744 (Notte)
007. 11812 (Lyndis)
008. 8487 (saschweitzer)

Valkyrie No Densetsu:
001. 100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tank Force:
001. 400 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Splatter House:
001. 200 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tinkle Pit (Singles):
001. 498850 (Kougyoku)
002. 339050 (Tiger21820)
003. 286600 (Lyn)
004. 280460 (Morgiana)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tinkle Pit (Doubles):
001. 2824100 (Tiger21820)
002. 2636540 (Kougyoku)
002. 2636540 (Morgiana)
004. 418290 (Lyn)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Konami games:

001. 5810 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 1400 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Time Pilot:
001. 51820 (Tiger21820)
002. 39183 (Kougyoku)
003. 35950 (Morgiana)
004. 32178 (Lyn)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 46657 (Lyndis)
002. 28620 (Tiger21820)
003. 25289 (Kougyoku)
004. 16617 (tomthebomb)

Green Beret/Rush'n Attack:
001. 24850 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 36387 (Tiger21820)
002. 28070 (Lyn)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 48300 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 18100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Nintendo games:

Donkey Kong:
001. 15493 (Kougyoku)
002. 15244 (Morgiana)
003. 6000 (Tiger21820)
004. 700 (Lyn)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Donkey Kong Jr.:
001. 8000 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Donkey Kong 3:
001. 43200 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Mario Bros.:
001. 36830 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Vs. Super Mario Bros.:
001. 2450 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Vs. Balloon Fight:
001. 56250 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Vs. Wrecking Crew:
001. 11100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Vs. Ice Climber:
001. 20070 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Vs. Duck Hunt:
001. 44200 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Vs. Pinball:
001. 104810 (Tiger21820)
002. 29490 (tomthebomb)

Vs. Dr. Mario:
001. 8700 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 4830 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Atari games:

001. 3850 (tomthebomb)
002. 3700 (Tiger21820)

This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 28622 (Kougyoku)
002. 25708 (Tiger21820)
003. 23517 (Maria)
004. 22948 (Joy)
005. 21970 (Morgiana)
006. 21806 (Lyn)
007. 0 (tomthebomb)

This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 77065 (Tiger21820)
002. 74571 (Kougyoku)
003. 74264 (Morgiana)
004. 23136 (tomthebomb)
005. 15498 (Lyn)

APB - All Points Bulletin:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 66720 (Tiger21820)
002. 26845 (Arial)
003. 16720 (Joy)
004. 13240 (Lyndis)
005. 7115 (Grace)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 50350 (Tiger21820)
002. 2850 (Lyn)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tetris (Atari):
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 76850 (Grace)
002. 75367 (Tiger21820)
003. 64270 (Kougyoku)
004. 57862 (Lyn)
005. 44566 (Morgiana)
006. 28388 (Sammi)
007. 30238 (tomthebomb)
008. 22399 (Notte)
009. 22394 (Maria)

Vs. Tetris:
001. 6470 (Tiger21820)
002. 5136 (Lyn)
003. 5046 (Kougyoku)
004. 4725 (Morgiana)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Bally/Williams/Midway games:

This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 130050 (Tiger21820)
002. 48549 (Kougyoku)
003. 45472 (Maria)
004. 37127 (Lyn)
005. 35883 (Lyndis)
006. 35437 (Arial)
007. 27084 (Morgiana)
008. 0 (tomthebomb)

Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 299700 (Tiger21820)
002. 296700 (Kougyoku)
003. 61150 (Lyn)
004. 42650 (Maria)
005. 31592 (Morgiana)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 129513 (Tiger21820)
002. 95895 (Maria)
003. 91247 (Lyndis)
004. 88363 (Sammi)
005. 87298 (Grace)
006. 56605 (Lyn)
007. 20060 (tomthebomb)
008. 14565 (Morgiana)
009. 13015 (Kougyoku)

This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 34475 (Joy)
002. 34275 (Morgiana)
003. 28800 (Tiger21820)
004. 27750 (Sammi)
005. 18526 (Lyndis)
006. 17525 (Lyn)
007. 17428 (Kougyoku)
008. 13704 (Arial)
009. 0 (tomthebomb)

Spy Hunter:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 16575 (Tiger21820)
002. 15450 (Lyn)
003. 9150 (Kougyoku)
004. 7635 (Morgiana)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Spy Hunter II:
001. 4100 (Lyn)
002. 2900 (Morgiana)
003. 1500 (Tiger21820)
004. 0 (tomthebomb)

This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 59669 (Tiger21820)
002. 58300 (Lyn)
003. 50025 (Kougyoku)
004. 45675 (Morgiana)
005. 27725 (tomthebomb)
006. 15650 (Sammi)

001. 0 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Space Zap:
001. 13000 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Sega games:

001. 8680 (Tiger21820)
002. 2710 (Lyn)
003. 1600 (tomthebomb)

001. 60640 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Bank Panic:
001. 1500 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Mega Play):
001. 100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Play):
001. 100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

SegaSonic The Hedgehog:
001. 11 (Tiger21820)
002. 5 (Morgiana)
003. 1 (Kougyoku)
004. 0 (tomthebomb)

Puyo Puyo:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 29035 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Puyo Puyo 2:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!
001. 33896 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 36190 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Cotton 2:
001. 250700 (Lyn)
002. 192004 (Tiger21820)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

Cotton Boomerang:
001. 352302 (Tiger21820)
002. 281802 (Morgiana)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tetris (Sega System E)
001. 29873 (Lyn)
002. 26585 (Morgiana)
003. 13645 (Kougyoku)
004. 11982 (Tiger21820)
005. 1052 (tomthebomb)

Tetris (Sega System 16A)
001. 48138 (Grace)
002. 45056 (Lyn)
003. 41452 (Morgiana)
004. 38586 (Kougyoku)
005. 24833 (Tiger21820)
006. 13371 (Arial)
007. 3400 (tomthebomb)

Capcom games:

Ghosts'n Goblins:
001. 118400 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Ghouls'n Ghosts:
001. 2400 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

1943: The Battle of Midway:
001. 34400 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

1943: Kai: Midway Kaisen:
001. 5400 (Tiger21820)
002. 5100 (Lyn)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

Taito games:

Space Invaders:
001. 780 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Space Intruder:
001. 80 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Space Invaders Part II:
001. 460 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

KiKi KaiKai:
001. 16450 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal:
001. 600 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Cleopatra Fortune:
001. 500000 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Universal games:

Lady Bug:
001. 56311 (Tiger21820)
002. 35453 (Lyndis)
003. 23184 (Lyn)
004. 0 (tomthebomb)

Jaleco games:

Mokomo 120%:
001. 100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tetris Plus (Normal):
001. 47200 (Morgiana)
002. 45800 (Tiger21820)
003. 29500 (Lyn)
004. 28800 (Kougyoku)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tetris Plus (Puzzle):
001. 256642 (Lyn)
002. 107603 (Kougyoku)
003. 82401 (Tiger21820)
004. 81414 (Morgiana)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tetris Plus 2 (Endless Mode):
001. 618612 (Tiger21820)
002. 390604 (Lyn)
003. 48004 (Kougyoku)
004. 47828 (Morgiana)
005. 2000 (Lyndis)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)

Tetris Plus 2 (Puzzle Mode):
001. 866441 (Morgiana)
002. 717507 (Lyndis)
003. 665424 (Maria)
004. 229526 (Tiger21820)
005. 100000 (Lyn)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)


Puckman Pockimon:
001. 500000 (Tiger21820)
002. 59820 (Kougyoku)
003. 30000 (tomthebomb)

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon:
001. 400 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Namco Classic Collection Volume 1:

001. 36890 (tomthebomb)
002. 26830 (Tiger21820)

Galaga Arrangement (Single):
001. 281030 (tomthebomb)
002. 112177 (Tiger21820)

Galaga Arrangement (Pair):
001. 913770 (tomthebomb)
002. 267980 (Lovebeingsoba)
003. 267700 (saschweitzer)
003. 267700 (Tiger21820)

001. 65100 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Super Xevious:
001. 38480 (Tiger21820)
002. 33120 (Lyn)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

Xevious Arrangement:
001. 43670 (Tiger21820)
002. 1480 (tomthebomb)

001. 54500 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Mappy Arrangement:
001. 32760 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Namco Classic Collection Volume 2:
This game saves high scores to NVRAM!

001. 69264 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Pac-Man Arrangement:
001. 189540 (Tiger21820)
002. 145200 (Lyn)
003. 140660 (tomthebomb)
004. 51000 (Morgiana)

001. 166170 (Tiger21820)
002. 24250 (Lyn)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

New Rally-X:
001. 186710 (Tiger21820)
002. 30 (Morgiana)
003. 20 (Kougyoku)
004. 0 (tomthebomb)

Rally-X Arrangement:
001. 185240 (Tiger21820)
002. 84000 (Morgiana)
003. 67900 (Lyn)
004. 42510 (Kougyoku)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Dig Dug:
001. 140420 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

Dig Dug Arrangement (Single):
001. 1040830 (Morgiana)
002. 1018400 (Tiger21820)
003. 35750 (Lyn)
004. 28690 (Kougyoku)
005. 0 (tomthebomb)

Dig Dug Arrangement (Pair):
001. 959080 (Tiger21820)
002. 941240 (Morgiana)
003. 929890 (MarissaT)
004. 788980 (Lyn)
005. 70560 (Kougyoku)
006. 0 (tomthebomb)


Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga 20 Year Reunion (Class of 1981):

Note: This game saves high scores to NVRAM! It seems that many people are having trouble getting high scores to save on revision 1.03; in order for high scores to save on 1.03, wait for the game that the high score was achieved on to finish it's attract sequence, and once it has switched to the other game, then you can shut the power off! This has not been tested on an actual cabinet, but this works for MAME!

Ms. Pac-Man:
001. 678020 (Tiger21820)
002. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 716430 (Tiger21820)
002. 16490 (saschweitzer)
003. 0 (tomthebomb)

001. 1547310 (Tiger21820)
002. 523170 (tomthebomb)
003. 87150 (Kougyoku)
004. 60090 (Lyn)


Pinball Records:

To do: Re-organize pinball manufactures more accurately


World Cup Soccer '94:
001. 9,958,863,180 (Tiger21820)
002. 8,088,130,770 (Kougyoku)
003. 7,721,333,840 (Morgiana)
004. 4,032,507,950 (tomthebomb)
005. 3,043,234,800 (Lyn)

World Cup Soccer '94 Highest Scores:
001. 9,655,444,720 (Kougyoku)
001. 9,655,444,720 (Tiger21820)
003. 6,711,117,370 (Morgiana)
004. 5,862,994,790 (Lyn)
005. 5,212,975,480 (tomthebomb)
006. 4,925,687,910 (saschweitzer)

World Cup Soccer '94 Final Match Goal Champion:
001. 7 (Lyn)
001. 7 (Tiger21820)
003. 5 (Morgiana)
004. 2 (tomthebomb)

The Addams Family:
001. 344,412,500 (Kougyoku)
001. 344,412,500 (Tiger21820)
003. 245,256,170 (Lyn)
004. 213,877,230 (Grace)
005. 203,395,880 (tomthebomb)
006. 113,215,010 (Morgiana)

NBA Fastbreak:
001. 33,488,410 (Tiger21820)
002. 18,834,980 (tomthebomb)
003. 12,601,290 (Kougyoku)

NBA Fastbreak (Game Points) (This is added to the total score!):
001. 306 (Tiger21820)
002. 245 (Morgiana)
003. 224 (Lyn)
004. 188 (tomthebomb)
005. 116 (Kougyoku)
006. 85 (Lyndis)

Fish Tales:
001. 535,931,040 (Tiger21820)
002. 319,606,930 (Morgiana)
003. 300,439,470 (Maria)
004. 32,759,070 (tomthebomb)

Fish Tales Biggest Liar:
001. 10/5 (Tiger21820)
002. 2/1 (tomthebomb)

Top Boat Rocker:
001. 7 (Arial)
001. 7 (Tiger21820)

Twilight Zone:
001. 1,588,178,890 (Tiger21820)
002. 967,120,650 (Morgiana)
003. 801,651,510 (Lyn)
004. 351,851,210 (tomthebomb)

Twilight Zone Lost in the Zone Champion (This is added to the total score!):
001. 456,736,260 (Tiger21820)

Judge Dredd:
001. 779,579,050 (Tiger21820)
002. 179,074,070 (tomthebomb)

Judge Dredd Super Game:
001. 1,106,432,860 (Tiger21820)
002. 803,043,400 (Sammi)
003. 748,827,520 (Morgiana)
004. 669,675,850 (Maria)
005. 369,576,600 (tomthebomb)

Demolition Man:
001. 2,184,928,590 (Tiger21820)
002. 1,824,506,090 (tomthebomb)
003. 1,520,457,860 (Lyn)
004. 1,233,635,670 (Kougyoku)
005. 997,115,760 (Morgiana)

Demolition Man Demolition Time Champion (This is added to the total score!):
001. 0 (Tiger21820)

Terminator 2: Judgement Day:
001. 66,225,310 (Kougyoku)
001. 66,225,310 (Tiger21820)
003. 29,951,330 (Morgiana)
004. 27,444,810 (Sammi)
005. 15,547,900 (Lyn)
006. 12,186,110 (tomthebomb)

Popeye Saves the Earth:
001. 1,426,909,600 (Tiger21820)
002. 900,158,450 (Lyn)
003. 617,209,130 (Kougyoku)
004. 439,255,160 (tomthebomb)
005. 9,000,000 (Morgiana)

Popeye Saves the Earth Loop Champion:
001. 3 (tomthebomb)
002. 2 (Tiger21820)

Attack From Mars:
001. 18,050,682,000 (Lyndis)
001. 18,050,682,000 (Tiger21820)
003. 16,394,461,970 (Kougyoku)
004. 15,371,162,110 (Lyn)
005. 10,024,275,590 (Maria)
006. 3,774,266,920 (tomthebomb)

Attack From Mars (Buy-in):
001. 56,641,745,520 (Kougyoku)
002. 42,628,958,230 (Tiger21820)
003. 15,607,316,210 (Morgiana)
004. 5,856,897,150 (tomthebomb)

Attack From Mars Alien Champion:
001. 45 (Kougyoku)
002. 34 (Tiger21820)
004. 3 (tomthebomb)

Black Rose:
001. 203,632,890 (Tiger21820)
002. 189,624,570 (Joy)
003. 183,711,260 (Kougyoku)
004. 131,370,150 (Lyn)
005. 39,532,250 (tomthebomb)
006. 16,403,210 (Morgiana)

Black Rose Most Ships Sunk:
001. 4 (Tiger21820)
002. 1 (tomthebomb)

Creature from the Black Lagoon:
001. 369,701,180 (Kougyoku)
001. 369,701,180 (Tiger21820)
003. 228,251,450 (Lyn)
004. 213,887,740 (Morgiana)
005. 123,574,520 (tomthebomb)

The Champion Pub:
001. 98,612,040 (Lyn)
001. 98,612,040 (Tiger21820)
003. 57,016,780 (Morgiana)
004. 42,890,100 (Kougyoku)
005. 11,656,720 (tomthebomb)

The Champion Pub Jump Rope Jumps:
001. 8 (tomthebomb)
002. 4 (Tiger21820)

The Champion Pub Speed Bag Punches:
001. 19 (Tiger21820)
002. 1 (tomthebomb)

001. 10,078,885,490 (Kougyoku)
001. 10,078,885,490 (Tiger21820)
003. 6,799,483,020 (Morgiana)
004. 2,740,423,560 (tomthebomb)

Congo (Buy-in):
001. 14,294,500,130 (Morgiana)
001. 14,294,500,130 (Tiger21820)
003. 3,851,206,160 (tomthebomb)

Congo Diamond Champion:
001. 406 (Morgiana)
001. 406 (Tiger21820)
003. 136 (tomthebomb)

The Shadow:
001. 1,254,333,610 (Tiger21820)
002. 1,179,865,340 (tomthebomb)
003. 800,362,620 (Morgiana)

The Shadow Buy-in Scores:
001. 2,398,156,190 (Tiger21820)
002. 1,783,561,130 (tomthebomb)

The Shadow Loop Champion:
001. 1 (Kougyoku)
001. 1 (Tiger21820)
001. 1 (tomthebomb)

Tales of the Arabian Nights:
001. 58,457,190 (Tiger21820)
002. 26,782,040 (tomthebomb)

Junk Yard:
001. 142,699,420 (Lyn)
001. 142,699,420 (Tiger21820)
003. 119,127,370 (Morgiana)
004. 107,095,390 (Kougyoku)
005. 43,003,270 (tomthebomb)

Junk Yard Midnight Madness Champion (This is added to the total score!):
001. 4,680,000 (Kougyoku)
001. 4,680,000 (Tiger21820)

Dr. Who:
001. 1,617,667,690 (Tiger21820)
002. 1,596,880,850 (Lyn)
003. 364,387,000 (tomthebomb)
004. 13,358,910 (Kougyoku)
005. 6,599,090 (Morgiana)

Dr. Who Loop Champion:
001. 10 (Lyn)
001. 10 (Tiger21820)
003. 4 (tomthebomb)

Dr. Who Highest Davros Multiball Wave:
001. 0 (Tiger21820)

Party Zone:
001. 81,620,510 (Kougyoku)
001. 81,620,510 (Tiger21820)
003. 72,399,400 (Lyn)
004. 11,395,320 (tomthebomb)

The Getaway High Speed II:
001. 186,212,590 (Tiger21820)
002. 166,752,930 (Arial)
003. 153,501,030 (Kougyoku)
004. 39,690,910 (tomthebomb)

The Getaway High Speed II Loop Champion:
001. 5 (Arial)
001. 5 (Tiger21820)
003. 1 (Kougyoku)

Medieval Madness:
001. 200,557,820 (Lyn)
001. 200,557,820 (Tiger21820)
003. 170,341,650 (Grace)
004. 120,582,020 (Morgiana)
005. 103,989,780 (Kougyoku)
006. 25,445,210 (tomthebomb)

Medieval Madness Castle Champion:
001. 6 (Grace)
001. 6 (Tiger21820)
003. 2 (tomthebomb)

Medieval Madness Joust Champion:
001. 8 (Tiger21820)
002. 3 (tomthebomb)

Medieval Madness Catapult Champion:
001. 4 (Lyn)
001. 4 (Tiger21820)
003. 1 (tomthebomb)

Medieval Madness Peasant Champion:
001. 5 (Lyn)
001. 5 (Tiger21820)
003. 1 (tomthebomb)

Medieval Madness Damsel Champion:
001. 4 (Grace)
001. 4 (Tiger21820)
003. 1 (tomthebomb)

Medieval Madness Troll Champion:
001. 35 (Lyn)
001. 35 (Tiger21820)
003. 4 (tomthebomb)

Medieval Madness Madness Champion (This is added to the total score!):
001. 12,875,000 (Lyn)
001. 12,875,000 (Tiger21820)

Theatre of Magic:
Warning: The maximum score for this game is 9,999,999,990, after which, the score will literally roll over to 0 and start again! Non-qualifying scores won't count as high scores!
001. 2,250,271,440 (Morgiana)
001. 2,250,271,440 (Tiger21820)
003. 1,495,149,500 (Kougyoku)
004. 1,032,944,290 (tomthebomb)

Theatre of Magic (Buy-in):
Warning: The maximum score for this game is 9,999,999,990, after which, the score will literally roll over to 0 and start again! Non-qualifying scores won't count as high scores!
001. 10,625,549,390 (Tiger21820)
002. 5,078,935,360 (Kougyoku)
003. 4,495,330,470 (tomthebomb)
004. 3,375,687,870 (Lyn)

Safe Cracker:
001. $742,730 (Tiger21820)
002. $711,580 (Lyn)
003. $343,400 (tomthebomb)

Safe Cracker Assault Champion:
001. $2,651,800 (Tiger21820)
002. $2,498,270 (Kougyoku)
003. $2,064,480 (Lyn)
004. $1,608,210 (tomthebomb)

White Water:
001. 597,559,390 (Tiger21820)
002. 112,362,570 (Lyn)
003. 88,707,060 (tomthebomb)

White Water Insanity Record:
001. 16 (Tiger21820)
002. 5 (Lyn)

Red & Ted´s Road Show:
001. 2,301,909,750 (Lyn)
001. 2,301,909,750 (Tiger21820)
003. 1,373,163,800 (Sammi)
004. 1,186,354,000 (Morgiana)
005. 1,020,639,470 (tomthebomb)
006. 2,000,090 (Kougyoku)

Red & Ted´s Road Show Best Daily Score (This is added to the total score!):
001. 6,211,250 (Tiger21820)
002. 2,000,090 (Kougyoku)

001. 47,962,870 (Lyn)
001. 47,962,870 (Tiger21820)
003. 42,413,340 (Morgiana)
004. 33,371,750 (Kougyoku)
005. 3,931,810 (tomthebomb)

Hurricane Clown Time Record (This is added to the total score!):
001. 1,450,000 (Tiger21820)

Cirqus Voltaire:
001. 237,657,260 (Lyn)
001. 237,657,260 (Tiger21820)
003. 199,704,200 (Sammi)
004. 195,463,390 (Morgiana)
005. 83,949,440 (tomthebomb)

Cirqus Voltaire Cannon Champion:
001. 94 (Tiger21820)
002. 93 (Morgiana)
003. 58 (tomthebomb)

Cirqus Voltaire Party Champion (This is added to the total score!):
001. 34,250,000 (Lyn)
001. 34,250,000 (Tiger21820)

No Good Gofers:
001. 134,708,790 (Tiger21820)
002. 26,946,400 (tomthebomb)

No Good Gofers Hole-in-One Champion:
001. 15 (Tiger21820)
002. 2 (tomthebomb)

No Good Gofers Best Daily Score (This is added to the total score!):
001. 134,446,820 (Tiger21820)

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure:
001. 1,034,393,070 (Tiger21820)
002. 633,557,300 (Lyn)
003. 485,625,430 (Kougyoku)
004. 413,427,370 (tomthebomb)

Star Trek: The Next Generation:
Note: Any scores that exceed 9,999,999,990 will count as a Q Continuum score (See below)!
001. 7,249,718,400 (Tiger21820)
002. 5,192,970,340 (Lyn)
003. 4,607,614,900 (Kougyoku)
004. 1,133,069,600 (tomthebomb)
005. 787,884,430 (Morgiana)

Star Trek: The Next Generation (Q Continuum):
001. 37,157,461,390 (tomthebomb)
002. 23,612,569,880 (Tiger21820)
003. 15,317,314,030 (Lyn)

Star Trek: The Next Generation (Officer's Club):
Note: Any scores that exceed 9,999,999,990 will count as a Q Continuum score (See above)!
001. 8,602,889,180 (Tiger21820)
002. 8,159,588,590 (Kougyoku)
003. 6,817,677,520 (Morgiana)
004. 2,359,438,050 (tomthebomb)
005. 523,193,250 (Lyn)

Scarred Stiff (The first pinball machine Tiger21820 has EVER seen!!!):
001. 48,749,510 (Kougyoku)
001. 48,749,510 (Tiger21820)
003. 19,381,080 (tomthebomb)

Monster Bash:
001. 559,478,940 (Tiger21820)
002. 172,452,860 (Kougyoku)
003. 162,354,780 (Lyn)
004. 157,549,560 (Morgiana)
005. 32,648,820 (tomthebomb)

Monster Bash Bash Champion (This is added to the total score!):
001. 67,559,000 (Morgiana)
001. 67,559,000 (Tiger21820)

Monster Bash Rock Champion (This is added to the total score!):
001. 116,797,000 (Tiger21820)

Harley Davidson (Bally):
001. 23,933,460 (Kougyoku)
001. 23,933,460 (Tiger21820)
003. 20,393,280 (Lyn)
004. 16,405,520 (tomthebomb)

001. 12,733,270 (Lyn)
001. 12,733,270 (Tiger21820)
003. 8,545,470 (Kougyoku)
004. 2,873,600 (tomthebomb)

The Bally Game Show:
001. 9,464,220 (Tiger21820)
002. 8,731,220 (tomthebomb)
003. 7,171,310 (Kougyoku)
004. 5,066,210 (Joy)

Dr. Dude:
001. 10,936,120 (Lyn)
001. 10,936,120 (Tiger21820)
003. 7,878,370 (tomthebomb)

Police Force:
001. 29,147,950 (Tiger21820)
002. 9,206,910 (tomthebomb)
003. 5,562,600 (Morgiana)

001. 2,305,420 (Lyn)
001. 2,305,420 (Tiger21820)
003. 663,560 (tomthebomb)

Space Station:
001. 3,341,660 (Morgiana)
001. 3,341,660 (Tiger21820)
003. 2,915,140 (Lyn)
004. 2,574,470 (Kougyoku)
005. 786,690 (tomthebomb)

Mr. & Mrs. Pac-man:
001. 1,064,220 (Tiger21820)
002. 195,920 (tomthebomb)

001. 6,356,170 (Tiger21820)
002. 1,080,650 (tomthebomb)

Solar Fire:
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
001. 0 (tomthebomb)


Wipe Out:
001. 234,678,610 (Tiger21820)
002. 226,893,960 (Maria)
003. 213,859,300 (Kougyoku)
004. 153,037,160 (tomthebomb)

Super Mario Bros.:
001. 129,970,000 (Tiger21820)
002. 115,237,680 (tomthebomb)
003. 67,963,550 (Kougyoku)
004. 63,463,430 (Lyn)
005. 52,661,700 (Morgiana)

Data East:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
001. 9,983,820 (Tiger21820)
002. 3,927,410 (tomthebomb)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Loop Record:
001. ? (Tiger21820) (Apparently '?' is a record that can be set on this table!)

Star Wars:
001. 130,442,190 (Tiger21820)
002. 108,281,650 (Lyn)
003. 75,886,240 (Morgiana)
004. 18,010,940 (tomthebomb)


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein:
001. 2,350,091,490 (Tiger21820)
002. 1,840,992,950 (Lyn)
003. 1,766,508,400 (Morgiana)
004. 810,373,020 (tomthebomb)

Batman Forever:
001. 6,585,779,610 (Joy)
001. 6,585,779,610 (Tiger21820)
003. 4,056,357,520 (Lyndis)
004. 3,072,493,810 (Morgiana)
005. 2,938,875,060 (Grace)
006. 1,669,229,170 (tomthebomb)

Space Jam:
001. 12,826,380 (Tiger21820)
002. 11,241,070 (Morgiana)
003. 10,919,640 (Lyn)
004. 10,862,100 (Joy)
005. 6,648,350 (tomthebomb)


The Simpsons Pinball Party:
001. 78,152,520 (Grace)
001. 78,152,520 (Tiger21820)
003. 47,500,280 (Lyn)
004. 11,593,010 (tomthebomb)

RollerCoaster Tycoon:
001. 29,604,450 (Tiger21820)
002. 27,597,700 (tomthebomb)
003. 22,632,180 (Morgiana)

Ripley's Believe It or Not:
001. 139,014,640 (Morgiana)
001. 139,014,640 (Tiger21820)
003. 97,773,160 (Grace)
004. 3,979,490 (tomthebomb)

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines:
001. 221,445,650 (Tiger21820)
002. 155,279,480 (Lyn)
003. 103,708,550 (tomthebomb)
004. 72,560,220 (saschweitzer)

Harley Davidson:
001. 145,889,570 (tomthebomb)
002. 118,179,820 (Tiger21820)
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on September 1st, 2024, 14:20, edited 1625 times in total! word count: 4417
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