Released: December 24, 2024
Important! Due to shutting down, future releases of Wario Land 3 Master Quest will mostly be limited to Nintendo 3DS Central, and occasionally Gaming Latest, and Wario Forums! Guests will now have download access to any attachment in this forum so people won't have to register an account here just to download the hack (though registering to the forums is still greatly appreciated, so please show your support by joining the forums!

Word of warning: Play this game in English! If you play this in Japanese, it will crash when you go to The Temple after getting the 5th Music Box, and you WILL NOT be able to win the game!
I am now giving out prizes!
1,000,000,000.00 points to the first member to complete the game (all 100 treasures & 8 musical coins in all levels, with proof) with fewer than 169 restarts plus 1.00 for every death less than 169! The prize has been claimed by SoapAgent!
100,000.00 to any member who completes the game for the first time regardless of restarts!
And to the one insane member who is most likely not a human and is immortal: The first one who completes the game without restarting EVEN ONCE will get 1,000,000,000,000,000.00 points (possibly, after testing that amount the points stopped working so it will be less than that but you will get A LOT!), and a special rank at Nintendo 3DS Central!
Please note that in order to claim these prizes, you must be a member here!
Brought to you by Wario Forums: The main project page, and discussion thread! This is where the most up-to-date info can be found!
A topic on this silly hack: ... uest.2524/
Gaming Latest's topic! ... st.105999/
The hack at (Outdated!)!
The Wario Speedrunning Discord server!
I have officially abandoned discord, so I have removed the invite link! No new members will be approved!
However, I have linked an invitation to the Wario Speedrunning Community, so there you go:
Those who are interested in speedrunning the hack may want to take a look at these helpful speedrun route spreadsheets which were compiled by various users over on Discord:
Lotus' route (Good for Release #021 and later!): ... 1562077264
SoapAgent's route: ... =592976537
September 20, 2020: Update! Release #005 has been released! This is an update that is a Nintendo 3DS Central exclusive release!
March 1, 2021: Update! Release #006 has been released!
March 1, 2021: Never mind #006! Release #007 has been released! It fixes a bug!
March 29, 2021: Release #008 is out!
March 28, 2022: Release #009 is FINALLY out!
November 15, 2022: The FINAL release of Wario Land 3 The Master Quest: Release #010 is out!
December 6, 2022: Release #011 is out! Fixes a small level design error!
January 1, 2023: The REALLY final release!
January 14, 2023: End
March 29, 2023: Apparently I had to
September 14, 2023: New release!
September 23, 2023: Emergency update
November 23, 2023: Happy Thanksgiving! Release #019 is upon us, and what a feast of a release it is!
December 25, 2023: MERRY CHRISTMAS!
August 23, 2024: SURPRISE!!!
December 24, 2024: MERRY CHRISTMAS AGAIN!!
Please note that from now on, only times from 100% runs will be featured in the credits! If you want your time to be in the credits, you must do a 100% speed run! (All 100 treasures, and 8 musical coins in all levels) Any% runs will still be acknowledged, but are no longer eligible for a position in the in-game hall of fame at the end of the credits, and as such, all Any% Times have been removed from the game! You must ALSO be playing the latest release to qualify!
All submissions should be posted here: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=1511
The Hall of Fame!
The Legendary Players:
These guys are absolutely AMAZING! They will forever be immortalized in the in-game hall of fame for ALL ETERNITY!!!
First Ultimate Master: SoapAgent WITH 163 RESTARTS!
First RetroAchievements Master: VGLongplays!
First Completionist: SoapAgent (279 restarts/09:17:03.100)
First Speedrunner: SoapAgent (02:40:43.000)
Restart Count:
001. 49 restarts! (Lotus_RT Discord, Most restarts: 108)★★
002. 163 restarts! (SoapAgent, Most restarts: 279)★★
003. 169 restarts! (Tiger21820, Most restarts: 439)★★
Fastest 100% Completion Time:
001. 04:36:08.990 (Lotus_RT, Discord)★★
002. 07:11:28.500 (SoapAgent)★★
003. 11:35:36.000 (Tiger21820)★★
Fastest Any% Completion Time (These are NOT eligible for inclusion on the in-game credits!):
001. 00:55:01.280 (Lotus_RT, Discord)
002. 00:59:07.000 (SoapAgent)
003. 11:35:36.000 (Tiger21820)
List of verified completionists:
Tiger21820★★ (Ultimate Master!

SoapAgent★★ (Ultimate Master!

VGLongplays★★ (First RetroAchievement Set Master!

Lotus_RT★★ (Ultimate Master!

Honorable records:
00:59:17.860 (Lotus_RT, Any%, Release #015)
00:59:07.000 (SoapAgent, Any% Release #015)
03:44:27.000 (Driekiann, Discord, Any%)
If you have completed the game, and want to be listed here and included in the credits for the next release, get in touch with me, and provide some proof that you have done so! RetroAchievements are proof enough for me! Keep in mind that if the credits list gets too full, names will be overwritten with newer ones! Names with no verifiable restart counts or times will be the first to be replaced! There will be no more permanent names on the list!
★ means that that name is currently on the in-game Hall of Fame at the end of the credits!
★★ means that the name is permanently on the in-game Hall of Fame!
Go here for Time Attack records, Golf Records, and all other Wario Land records: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=225