The Red Green Show

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Tedhaun Spectral

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The Red Green Show


Unread post by Tedhaun Spectral »

"Quando omni flunkus, moritati." (Pseudo-Latin for "When all else fails, play dead.")

Feel free to discuss about the legendary Canadian parody handyman comedy series from 1991 to 2006 and biggest advocate for Duct Tape (A.K.A.: The Handyman's Secret Weapon), The Red Green Show, here!

After 18 years of no new episodes, Red Green and the members of Possum Lodge make a grand comeback with a brand new animated version coming out this fall. Here's the announcement video from the official Red Green Show YouTube channel:

All 300 episodes of the classic 1991 series are available for legal streaming on the official Red Green Show YouTube channel if it catches your fancy. Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together. Also, keep your stick on the ice.
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Re: The Red Green Show


Unread post by Artisan »

I loved watching Red Green on Saturday nights. He'd fix or make anything with duct tape. Just as funny and as real of advice as you can ever get. It sure was a different time—however, the characters and their main characteristics like Harold and Ranger Gord were always in the writing. It's great that his public broadcasting will always be with us.
word count: 65
:bananadance: The OG really know how to make a sandwich I tell ya w'hut :bananadance: Image
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