Pokemon Moon SAV File Dump and Review

I bought this game used Like New!

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Fire & Ice Pokemon Moon SAV File Dump and Review


Unread post by Artisan »

So I bought Pokemon Moon online and wanted to look at this save to get a picture of how they play. There's some good but mostly average stuff here. Happy Hour Munchlax and Snorlium Z. Not a big deal for me since I can edit my save and put that in. Also owned Pokemon X with an OT of Lightning. Mewtwo has Mewtwonite Y but that can probably be got in this game. German Turtonator, Mega Mawile, 4 or 5 Pheramosas some Xurkitrees, two 50% Zygardes, only one Celesteela and Guzzlord. The only other OTs were Aaron from NY with an Alolan mark, and another Pokemon that was traded but still the same OT as the user. And the event Blaziken from XY, and then Ash Greninja was here too. Calistilaigh must have been a friend of his in XY because they share the same location. Nothing with good IVs or shinies that I can see, besides the guaranteed ones. Average save. 154 Pokemon registered in the dex.

Anyway I wish this person was better at Pokemon breeding, but now I have more TID's for the lottery. They clearly played this one save more than once and maybe even X as well. My suggestion would be catching more Pokemon for the dex and SOS hunting for better IVs and better shiny odds. Breeding RNG is easy too but you have to know that you are doing in SM RNG. Pleasure doing business internet person.
HEY! You can’t view this file! But there might be other files that you can view though!
Last edited by Artisan on October 2nd, 2024, 20:49, edited 1 time in total! word count: 246
:bananadance: The OG really know how to make a sandwich I tell ya w'hut :bananadance: Image
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