Topic #307: 1600 days of Nintendo DS Central!

There may come a time where Nintendo DS Central, like it's 2 predecessors, will vanish from the face of the internet... And this forum will preserve several of those topics should Nintendo DS Central disappear, so they will not be lost! Only Administrators and believe it or not... Guests (Only when unlocked) can post in this forum! If this forum is unlocked, please do not post in it!
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Disclaimer: The topics and posts you are about to read are products of their time! They may depict some of the arguments, prejudices, and uninformed opinions that were commonplace in the community, either in the history of or the recording of the same! These affairs were wrong then and they are wrong today! While the following topics and posts do not represent our view of today's community, they are being presented as they were originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming that these mistakes never existed! (And BOY did I make some mistakes!)
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Topic #307: 1600 days of Nintendo DS Central!


Unread post by NDSC_Tiger21820 »

Today is the 1600th day of Nintendo DS Central!
WOW! :lol:
word count: 10

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