If you still have Pokémon X & Y, then here are 6 friends to add to your Friend Safari!
In the days of old, members would post their friend codes in this forum, and let everyone know that they were added... What a time we lived in... But thou may recall this forum one day...
I do believe that despite most internet services for the Nintendo 3DS are shut down, friend codes can still be generated and/or exchanged! This can still benefit a few things in games like the Pokémon X & Y Friend Safari! So I have re-opened this forum for the time being, unless someone can prove to me that even THAT isn't possible anymore!
Forum rules This forum is permanently closed due to inactivity! It will not be deleted! But you never know when someone may create a new Nintendo Network!
Friend codes might still be able to be exchanged, which can be helpful in a few games, so I have re-opened this forum unless someone can prove that even THIS is no longer possible!
This topic (and this forum) will be closed after the sunset of Nintendo Network, but a new topic may be made (and this forum being reopened) once a solution that doesn't require a 3DS Custom Firmware to use becomes available, provided that that's even a possibility to begin with! This won't be moved out of this forum, nor will this forum be deleted (for now)!
I'm going to close this topic, and this forum now since Nintendo Network is nearing it's sunset, and there's no reason to leave this forum open any further due to inactivity!
As I believe friend codes can still be generated and exchanged, which still benefits a few games like the Friend Safari in Pokémon X & Y (in which case, here are 6 of them for you! ), I see no reason to keep this forum locked down for the time being unless someone can prove to me that even this is no longer possible!