Regular NES/Famicom Record Thread: viewtopic.php?t=260
Note: Classic NES Series/Famicom Mini can save high scores, but e-Reader CANNOT!
Total High Score:
640450 (Needs updating)
Famicom Mini Vol. 01: Super Mario Bros.:
001. 640450 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 02: Donkey Kong (Game A):
001. 9900 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 02: Donkey Kong (Game B):
001. 5900 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 03: Ice Climber:
001. 14640 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 06: Pac-Man:
001. 730 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 07: Xevious:
001. 6940 (Lyn)
002. 5810 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 08: Mappy (Japan only!):
001. 26180 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 09: Bomberman:
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 10: Star Soldier (Japan only!):
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 11: Mario Bros. (Japan/e-Reader only!):
001. 5650 (Arial)
002. 1610 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 12: Clu Clu Land (Japan/e-Reader only!):
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 13: Balloon Fight (1 Player) (Japan/e-Reader only!):
001. 56500 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 13: Balloon Fight (2 Player) (Japan only! Requires link cable! Score cannot be saved!):
001. 48550 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 13: Balloon Fight (Balloon Trip) (Japan/e-Reader only!):
001. 4290 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 14: Wrecking Crew (Japan only!):
001. 800 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 15: Dr. Mario:
001. 1700 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 16: Dig Dug (Japan only!):
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 18: Makaimura/Ghosts 'n Goblins (Japan only!):
001. 14600 (Lyn)
002. 12300 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 19: Twin Bee (Japan only!):
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
Famicom Mini Vol. 21: Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan only!):
001. 800 (Tiger21820)
Donkey Kong Jr. (Game A) (e-Reader only!):
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
Donkey Kong Jr. (Game B) (e-Reader only!):
001. 0 (Tiger21820)
Donkey Kong 3 (Game A) (e-Reader only!):
001. 81400 (Lyn)
002. 53800 (Tiger21820)
Donkey Kong 3 (Game B) (e-Reader only!):
001. 44500 (Lyn)
002. 22400 (Tiger21820)
Pinball (Game A) (e-Reader only!):
001. 6490 (Tiger21820)
Pinball (Game B) (e-Reader only!):
001. 24860 (Tiger21820)
BombSweeper (Homebrew by SnowBro) (e-Reader only!):
001. 43100 (Tiger21820)
Classic NES Series/Famicom Mini/e-reader NES Records (GBA)
Total High Score: 640450!
Forum rules
Only post here if you have records to submit! Any discussion about these games should be discussed in their respective forums! Any posts without records may be moved or trashed! Thank you! Beware of spoilers!
Only post here if you have records to submit! Any discussion about these games should be discussed in their respective forums! Any posts without records may be moved or trashed! Thank you! Beware of spoilers!
Tiger21820 MASTER!!
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Classic NES Series/Famicom Mini/e-reader NES Records (GBA)
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on February 12th, 2025, 9:34, edited 53 times in total! word count: 348
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