Total: 4871
Total Shots Fired: 3255
Total Number of Hits: 1616
Shots Fired:
Total: 2008
00001: 1449
00002: 272
00003: 16
00004: 12
00005: 259
Number of Hits:
Total: 955
00001: 668
00002: 129
00003: 4
00004: 6
00005: 148
Galaga (NES):
Shots Fired:
Total: 424
00001: 28
00002: 62
00003: 7
00004: 327
00005: 137
Number of Hits:
Total: 247
00001: 12
00002: 22
00003: 5
00004: 208
00005: 81
Galaga '88:
Shots Fired:
Total: 208
00001: 56
00002: 152
Number of Hits:
Total: 122
00001: 23
00002: 99
Galaga Arrangement:
Shots Fired:
Total: 615
00001: 439
00002: 87
00003: 89
Number of Hits:
Total: 292
00001: 252
00002: 14
00003: 26
My Galaga Result Records!
Total: 4871!
Tiger21820 MASTER!!
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My Galaga Result Records!
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on February 1st, 2025, 19:51, edited 14 times in total! word count: 114
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