It was a matter of time anyways!
Solve Sudoku puzzles and get onto the hall of fame!
You will automatically win points based on various factors which will be listed below:
(Values are subject to change at any time!)
1000 sudoku points = 100 forum points!
Automated rewards are as follows:
Best Classic player will win 2000 bonus points!
Best Samurai player will win 5000 bonus points!
Best Ninja player will win 10000 bonus points!
Highest average will win 2500 bonus points!
Most played games will win 1500 bonus points!
Automated rewards except ones obtained from solving puzzles have been temporarily disabled indefinitely due to winners repeatedly receiving the same reward and PMs each hour!

My rewards for each round are as follows:
Monthly Classic prize: 2000 plus the winning score
Monthly Samurai prize: 5000 plus the winning score
Monthly Ninja prize: 10000 plus the winning score
Yearly Classic prize: 4000 plus the winning score
Yearly Samurai prize: 10000 plus the winning score
Yearly Ninja prize: 20000 plus the winning score
The first* to beat 100000 points in Classic will win 500,000,000 points!
The first* to beat 100000 points in Samurai will win 1,000,000,000 points!
The first* to beat 100000 points in Ninja will win 5,000,000,000 points!
*Who isn't Tiger21820, Tiger21821, Tiger21822, Special Guest Account, or anyone in the Tiger's Island Residents usergroup
(Rewards are subject to change at any time!)
Automated winners will be notified by PM!
This topic will contain the results of each round of Sudoku which will be posted here each month!