(RESOLVED) YouTube Gallery Extension is having problems

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(RESOLVED) YouTube Gallery Extension is having problems


Unread post by Tiger21820 MASTER!! »

The YouTube Gallery Extension will more often than not fail to load and display a "RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!" error! Don't worry, I'm trying to fix it! In the meantime, if the extension crashes to a "RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!" error, just keep refreshing the page until it loads! It will get there eventually!

Update: Well it seems that the problem was coming from extension fetching the YouTube Statistics for each video! Well, I disabled them, and now it loads lightning fast! There you go! I guess loading the statistics from a page of 24 videos was too much for the MySQL to handle! 48 videos a page flat-out prevented extension from working!
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on September 15th, 2021, 16:40, edited 2 times in total! word count: 116
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