[No longer relevant] Online play for Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon returns August 3rd, 2023

Both on Wii U of course, with a few catches

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Tedhaun Spectral

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[No longer relevant] Online play for Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon returns August 3rd, 2023


Unread post by Tedhaun Spectral »

Due to the imminent closure of Nintendo Network online service, this topic will soon be no longer relevant and has been closed in advance following the closure of the Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes and Wii U NNID threads in this forum.

Link to the announcement on the official Nintendo UK website

After 5 months of "emergency maintenance" due to the infamous ENLBufferPwn wreaking havoc in online play of select first party Nintendo titles on 3DS, Wii U and Switch alike, Nintendo announced that online play for both Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon (both on Wii U) will return on August 3rd of 2023. There are two catches however, these are:

1. A software update for both aforementioned titles is required to resume online play.

2. If any further issues similar to ENLBufferPwn happen that can negatively impact online play for Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon in the near future, Nintendo will more likely than not pull the plug for online play both these games for good. Should this happen, two words say it all:
Pretendo Network

Do you plan on doing a few online matches in either or both of these games, or have you moved on to the respective Switch successors and left your Wii U in the dust?
Last edited by Tedhaun Spectral on March 17th, 2024, 18:27, edited 2 times in total! word count: 211
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Tedhaun Spectral

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Re: [No longer relevant] Online play for Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon returns August 3rd, 2023


Unread post by Tedhaun Spectral »

Closing this topic early since it will be no longer relevant due to Nintendo Network online services closing their doors in a few weeks, the fact that one can no longer make a new NNID anymore, and the fact that any Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Friend Codes/NNID threads in this forum were closed a month in advance due to an administrator decision because of the imminent sunset.
Last edited by Tedhaun Spectral on March 17th, 2024, 18:28, edited 1 time in total! word count: 69
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GameTZ is the new home of my game collection listing. I don't do game trades yet nor know how to do so properly.
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