My Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 e-Reader Level series!

My progress so far: 16 out of 73 levels made

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My Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 e-Reader Level series!


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The web based Super Mario Advance 4 e-reader level editor is going to be archived! That means more levels! If you want to make your own levels, is where you should be! :tigCheer :excited4:
Tiger21820 from discord wrote:My plans (or I guess a GOAL) for an e-level series:
Make a total of 72 levels divided into 3 separate sets (will be referred to as a series)
Each level will have 5 Ace coins, and the first 8 levels of each series will have a custom e coin (which again, don't currently work when a level is loaded from a dot code), and 1 e coin gallery floor per series
Series 1 is the Flower Series, and will contain levels 01 to 32 (There are 7 levels currently made, with 05 and 06 still a work in progress, only published for those who want to add 10 more ace coins and 2 more e coins to their collection)
Series 2 will be the Heart series, and contain levels 33 to 64
Series 3 will be the T series, and will contain levels 65 to 72
And a special 73rd level has been made only for those who can show photographic proof that they have fully conquered all 72 levels with both Mario & Luigi
This is a long term project that may or may not actually be completed ever, and I won't promise you that this project will be completed!
This series of levels is intended to be loaded in using dotcodes with an e-reader (ROM) in a FRESH and brand new world-e save file, since these levels will be using all 73 level IDs (including the officially released levels), and will conflict with levels in pre-made save files!
This is not really a project as it is more of a self-imposed goal to make 73 SMA4 e-levels!
So yeah! You can use these with a Super Mario Advance 4 ROM along with a Nintendo e-reader ROM, or even an actual Super Mario Advance 4 game pack with an actual Nintendo e-reader if you are able to print the dotcodes out with your printer and get them to scan! If you have a printer that is capable of printing at 1200 dpi and have any glossy photo paper, then you should be good to go! You'll have to tinker with your printer setting to get the best results! Look around the internet for info on how to print out dotcodes and for programs that can print out dotcodes!

Each of the Flower Levels plus the first two Heart Levels can be stored and played along side the official Nintendo levels on an actual game pack since each custom level will first use each unassigned level ID to ensure as much co-existence with the official material as possible should you choose to do it this way! In fact, all 32 Flower Levels and Heart Levels 1 & 2 and Level 73 can be stored (Not saved, only 32+1 temporary level can be saved in the game) along side the 38 officially released levels! That means you can have all 73 levels on the level list, the absolute MAXIMUM number of levels in a single save file! You'll have to decide which e-coins you'll want to save since the first 8 share the same e-coin ID: Either the official ones, or the custom ones!

The raw files contained in the attached ZIP files can be used with the mgba emulator, or, as stated above, printed out and scanned with an actual Nintendo e-reader!

If you want to create your own e levels (and it's really fun and really cool!), go here, and also join their discord!
This thread on GBATemp will also be of great use to you too: ... ed.529179/

My progress so far: 16 out of 73 levels made!
Current number of Ace Coins: 075
Current number of e-Coins: 08

All levels have 5 Ace coins, and the first 8 Levels of each series has an e-coin, bringing a grand total of 360 Ace Coins, and 24 custom designed e-coins! Good luck getting them all, and even better luck to you on beating each level with both Mario & Luigi! Remember that you can save up to 32 levels, plus 1 temporary level, so I recommend two saves for each series, unless you don't mind scanning a level over and over again!

Level List:

Series 1, Flower Series:

01 First Level!
First level! This is the first of what will be a 72 (plus 1 extra for those who complete all 72 levels 100%!) level series! This will take a while! Good luck getting all 360 Ace coins!
Difficulty: 3/5

02 Maze 1
A maze!
Difficulty: 2/5

03 Many items!
Contains many items for all your e-level conquering needs!
Difficulty: 1/5

04 Tricky Footwork!
How are your platforming skills doing these days? Sorry if the music doesn't fit the level, but I just love it so much! You must fight gravity to get the e coin and one Ace coin!
Difficulty: 4/5

05 Amphibious Antics
I'm sure every level set needs an underwater stage! And where there is water, there is bound to be a frog somewhere in it!
Difficulty: 4/5

06 Fire and Ice!
True to my title's namesake, this is a fire and ice level! Be careful, this one's tough!
Difficulty: 5/5

07 The 4 Elements!
Mario traverses through the 4 elements of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air! Water room is a bit buggy!
Difficulty: 2/5

08 Maze 2
Another maze!
Difficulty: 2/5

09 Keep Running!
Just keep running, and don't stop! Let the triangular blocks guide you!
Difficulty: 2/5

10 The 8 Worlds! Pt.1
A representation of the 8 worlds! This level contains worlds 1-4!
Difficulty: 3/5

11 The 8 Worlds! Pt.2
A representation of the 8 worlds! This level contains worlds 5-8!
Difficulty: 5/5

12 Hit That Switch!
Hit the switches! But where's that dang 3rd Ace Coin!?
Difficulty: 3.5/5

13 Airship
RIP Smaghetti... Hopefully an alternative will arise so I can actually make my 72 level set! Until then... I plan for no more levels until a long term solution is possible (such as a fork)!
It's an airship! What else can I say?
Difficulty: ?/5

14 The Museum! Pt.1
Welcome to the Museum! Come gawk at some of the strange critters that are native to the Mushroom Kingdom!
Difficulty: 1/5

15 The Museum! Pt.2
Welcome to the Museum! Come gawk at some of the strange critters that are native to the Mushroom Kingdom!
Difficulty: 1/5

Specials, Promotional Series:

Thank you for playing my levels! This is intended for those who manage to load in all 72 of my levels onto a new save file, and complete them 100%! So thanks again!
Difficulty: 1/5

I need to get some new images up here!
HEY! You can’t view this file! But there might be other files that you can view though!
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on October 31st, 2024, 5:02, edited 42 times in total! word count: 1202
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Re: My Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 e-Reader Level series!


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Re: My Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 e-Reader Level series!


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Making Super Mario Advance 4 e-reader level cards!


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If you have the SMA4_e-Reader_Project files from GBAtemp, then you'll have the tools to make levels into dotcodes!
Now let's see if I remember how to do this... It's been a while!

Before you start, you WILL need a hex editor and a basic understanding of hexadecimal!

Step 1: Make a level in Smaghetti, and under 'Experiments' (the beaker icon at the bottom right corner of the editor), download the level as binary!

Step 2: If you don't have it already, go to ... ed.529179/ and download SMA4_e-Reader_Project.rar from the first post and extract all the files somewhere using 7-Zip!

Step 3: Navigate to the SMA4 Level Scripts folder and move the .level that you downloaded from Smaghetti there!

Step 4: This is an important step! Find Header.bin, and open that in a hex editor! In 0x72, this is the level ID! Each level that was released was assigned a unique ID which can be a number from 01 to 72, with 73 being a special ID, and being strictly temporary! Nintendo has assigned IDs 01-05, 11-40, and 51-53 to their official levels, leaving the other 35 slots unassigned! My recommendation is to assign your first levels with any of the unassigned IDs, so you can still use Nintendo's levels with any of your levels on the same game pack! All of my levels as of now use the unassigned IDs which can allow anyone to still use Nintendo's levels with mine if they wish to! So anyways, with Header.bin in a hex editor, change the byte 0x72 to any number from (this is in hexadecimal!) 01 to 48, with 49 being a special temporary level that cannot be saved, does not record clear data for Mario & Luigi, or save Ace or e coins, occupies a single spot on the last page of the level list (which can give a tenth page if 65-72 levels are saved, allowing for a grand total of up to 73 levels) that will be removed from the level list if another level card is scanned, and save the file!

Warning for step 4: Do not assign a level with an ID higher than 73 (49 in hex), because it will mess up the level list! Also, if you assign two (or more) level cards the same level ID, scanning those will replace any levels and their record data using the same ID with the new one you scanned! Make sure that all the levels you make use a unique ID! That's why I recommend that you assign your first levels with the unassigned IDs!

Step 5: This is optional, but I recommend that you do this step either way! Open your .level that you moved to the SMA4 Level Scripts folder, and open that with a hex editor! The first 5 bytes are the level properties! 0x0 is the e-coin id, which determines where the e-coin will be placed in the castle if there is one! Valid numbers (in hex) are 01 to 18, with 00 having no e-coin! 01-08 occupies the first floor, 09-16 (hex 09-10) occupies floor 2, and 17-24 (hex 11-18) occupies floor 3! If you are using Nintendo levels with yours, then reserve IDs 09-24 (hex 09-18) for your own e-coins if you want to avoid conflicts, but that's up to you! You can leave 0x01 alone, since that's the ace coin count, and that gets determined by the the editor! 0x02 is the level set! This determines what set your level belongs to! Refer to the attached .txt files for all valid values, but the most common ones are 01 for star, 02 for mushroom, 03 for flower, 04 for heart, and 1F for PR (Promotional)! 0x03 is the set level number (not ID)! Numbers can be from 00 to 99 (hex 00-63)! 0x04 is the level icon! Refer to the attached .txt file for the the list of valid values! Once you have made all of your desired changes in the hex editor, save them!

Step 6: With all that done, find Convert_to_Raw.bat in the SMA4 Level Scripts folder (you should be there now), and run that! Two files called level.bin and level.hex will be created! You're done! Print it out and scan it with an actual e-reader, or scan it with the mGBA emulator, and enjoy your properly coded level!

Level Sets (0x02) (menu icon):

01 - star
02 - mushroom
03 - flower
04 - heart
05 - A
06 - B
07 - C
08 - D
09 - E
0A - F
0B - G
0C - H
0D - I
0E - J
0F - K
10 - L
11 - M
12 - N
13 - O
14 - P
15 - Q
16 - R
17 - S
18 - T
19 - U
1A - V
1B - W
1C - X
1D - Y
1E - Z
1F - PR (promo level)
20 - e (last entry)

Level Icons (0x04) (level info box):

00 - e+ tile (unused in main game)
01 - glowing star
02 - quicksand
03 - world e level select tile
04 - foretess
05 - king's castle
06 - world 5 spiral tower
07 - pyramid
08 - orange mushroom house
09 - castle with square window
0A - airship
0B - tank with gun
0C - "smiling" tank
0D - tank with "mast pole" ("thin tank)
0E - coin ship (kanji is "宝", pronounced takara)
0F - hand
10 - cloud
11 - world 1 background hills
12 - world 2 background tree
13 - world 3 background water tile
14 - flower
15 - ice
16 - muncher plant
17 - fire
18 - world 8 skull
19 - hammer bro
1A - boomerang bro
1B - hammer bro
1C - fire bro
1D - summo bro
1E - orange glitch (halfway between the e level selection tile, with 2 animations)
1F - blank (last entry)
Last edited by Tiger21820 MASTER!! on October 31st, 2024, 5:02, edited 3 times in total! word count: 978
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